Who are you?

You might be a  leader who is impatient to implement planned  innovation in your company.

You know what you want to achieve and you have the strategy but……
you don’t have enough support yet and it’s all too slow.

You might be a CIO who knows you are missing opportunities by not being an IT enabler.

Your costs are too high – you need to improve operational standards but…
how can you build a bridge between business requirements and IT and get IT staff speaking up on new technology?

You might be a member of the Raad van Bestuur who is concerned about performance in some of your departments.

Your Key Performance Indicators are not quite right but…
how do you prioritise with too many demands for funds and how can you solve the ‘island’ problem?
And how can you get timely information so you can act today?

You might be a leader who just needs a really good project leader.

You can see that cooperation is needed between departments but where do you start? You need a difficult project delivered on time and within budget but who can do that?

You might be an visionary leader who needs an independent sounding board for your future strategy.

You know there is a lot of competition for the same market but…
your profile is unclear, you need a better description of your ‘DNA’ and a good strategy for the future.

Theo can help with all of these. By being independent he can break through old patterns and he can bring new ideas to the table. He is not afraid to confront problems and make a plan to address future needs – getting staff onside in the process. 

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